mHealth App Development

mHealth Application Development
Stay updated with the technology trends and innovations in mHealth applications. Contact us today to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered and join the digital health revolution.
mHealth Application Development

​​Are you facing any of these difficulties?

Healthcare startups often struggle with a lack of in-house technical knowledge and resources to develop robust mHealth applications.

With over 12 years of expertise we provide innovative solutions to patients and healthcare providers.

Healthcare applications must adhere to strict regulatory guidelines and privacy standards such as HIPAA.

Navigating the complex compliance landscape can be overwhelming for startups, leading to concerns about data security and legal implications.

Integrating mHealth applications with existing healthcare systems, electronic health records (EHRs), and other platforms poses a significant challenge for startups.

Ensuring smooth data exchange and interoperability is crucial for seamless patient care and collaboration among healthcare professionals.

Limited expertise
Regulatory compliance
Integration challenges

mHealth Application Types We Develop

Mobile EHR and EMR systems

With our mobile solutions, healthcare providers can access patient records anytime, anywhere, facilitating efficient care coordination, remote consultations, and timely decision-making, even when away from the office or hospital.

We provide intuitive interfaces and seamless navigation for mobile EHR and EMR systems, which enable healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and deliver timely and personalized patient care.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) apps

We provide scalable and future-proof RPM apps , empowering healthcare startups to adapt to evolving technologies, integrate new devices and sensors, and stay ahead of industry trends, enabling long-term growth and sustainability in the rapidly advancing digital healthcare landscape.

Our RPM apps enable healthcare startups to provide continuous remote monitoring, allowing for early detection of health issues, proactive disease management, and personalized interventions.

Telehealth and telemedicine mobile apps

Our custom telehealth and telemedicine mobile apps break down geographical barriers and provide remote access to healthcare services, enabling convenient and timely consultations, especially for individuals with limited mobility or living in distant areas.

Glorium experts can accommodate future integrations, additional features, and technological changes, ensuring your app remains relevant and grows alongside your healthcare organization.

mHealth platforms and mobile patient portals

Glorium provides custom mHealth platforms and mobile patient portals with personalized access to patients’ health information, empowering them to manage their healthcare actively.

With access to comprehensive health records and care plans, custom mHealth platforms and mobile patient portals ensure care continuity across different healthcare settings, enabling a holistic approach to healthcare and promoting better patient outcomes.

Clinical workflow management apps

Our clinical workflow management apps enhance patient care and safety by facilitating seamless communication, collaboration, and care coordination among healthcare teams.

Experience streamlined and efficient clinical workflows tailored to the unique needs of your healthcare startup with our custom clinical workflow management apps. Developed by Glorium, these apps automate tasks, integrate systems, and optimize processes, reducing administrative burdens and improving operational efficiency.

Health and wellness mobile applications

Our scalable health as wellness mobile solutions, backed by ongoing support and maintenance, ensure your health and wellness app can grow alongside your startup, delivering innovative and impactful solutions to improve user health and well-being.

Glorium’s health and wellness mobile applications integrate seamlessly with wearables and health sensors, enabling real-time data tracking and monitoring. With robust data security and privacy compliance, our apps instill trust and protect user information.

Solutions for mHealth Application

Glorium offers customized mHealth applications to meet the unique needs of your healthcare business, no matter what you’re looking to develop.


Our iOS solutions for mHealth applications seamlessly integrate with Apple devices and services, such as Apple HealthKit and Apple Watch. This integration enables comprehensive health data aggregation, synchronization, and utilization, providing users with a holistic view of their health and enabling innovative features and functionalities within your mHealth app.


By developing mHealth applications for Android, Glorium helps to reach a broad audience of Android smartphone and tablet users, expanding the market reach and adoption of your mHealth app. We can integrate mHealth apps with Android devices and services, such as Google Fit and wearable devices running on the Android platform.

Cross Platform

By opting for Glorium cross-platform solutions for mHealth applications, healthcare startups can reap the benefits of wider audience reach, cost and time efficiency, consistent user experience, simplified maintenance and updates, streamlined integration and compatibility, future-proof scalability, and a unified development environment.

Areas of mHealth Apps


Our mHealth app extends its capabilities to the realm of fitness, providing a comprehensive solution for individuals striving to improve their health and wellness. With our app, users can track their physical activity, set fitness goals, and monitor their progress over time.

Glorium app seamlessly integrates with wearable devices, allowing users to gather data on steps taken, calories burned, heart rate, and sleep patterns, enabling them to gain valuable insights into their fitness journey.

Nutrition and diet

By utilizing our mHealth app for nutrition and diet, healthcare startups can offer users a valuable tool for making informed dietary choices and improving overall well-being.

Glorium app empowers individuals to take control of their nutrition, educates them on healthy eating habits, and provides personalized recommendations, ultimately promoting a healthier lifestyle and preventing nutrition-related health issues.

Women's health

With the Glorium mHealth app for women’s health, healthcare startups can provide a comprehensive and user-friendly solution that addresses the unique healthcare needs of women.

Our mHealth app covers a wide range of women’s health concerns, including menstrual cycle tracking, fertility monitoring, pregnancy support, and menopause management. The app empowers women to track their reproductive health, make informed decisions, and access valuable resources and support, ultimately promoting better health outcomes and enhancing their overall well-being.

Lifestyle management

We can provide personalized wellness plans tailored to their goals, preferences, and health conditions. These plans encompass nutrition, fitness, stress management, sleep optimization, and mindfulness.

The Glorium app captures and analyzes data, providing users with insights into their lifestyle patterns by tracking various health metrics, including physical activity, sleep patterns, heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels.

Disease management

Our mHealth app serves as a powerful tool for disease management, providing individuals with the resources, support, and functionalities needed to manage their specific health conditions effectively.

We can help to track users’ symptoms and receive alerts or notifications for any concerning changes or patterns, identify triggers, and communicate relevant information to their healthcare providers for timely intervention and adjustment of treatment plans.

Medication adherence

Glorium experts can provide mHealth apps with medication management tools, including reminders, refill notifications, and dosage tracking.

Our mHealth app enables users to securely share their health data with healthcare providers, promoting collaborative care and improving care coordination. Users can grant access to their tracked health information, vital signs, and treatment progress, allowing healthcare providers to make informed decisions and tailor treatment plans accordingly.

What Makes Us Pros in mHealth Application Development?

Must-have mHealth Application Features We Create

Sign up Log in
Accounting Tools
Online Booking
Document Management
Real Time Notifications
Integration with PACS and EHR
Valuation Software
Hospital staff management
Sign-up and Log-in

Glorium’s mHealth app developers prioritize a seamless and secure user experience with comprehensive sign-up and login features.

Our user-friendly sign-up process ensures quick and hassle-free onboarding, minimizing friction and encouraging user engagement. We offer multiple login options, including traditional usernames and passwords, social media integration, and biometric authentication, allowing users to choose their preferred method.

Users’ profiles

We provide patient profiles that allow excess to essential information, such as medical history, allergies, and communication preferences, facilitating personalized care and effective communication with healthcare providers. Doctor profiles showcase qualifications, specialties, and experience, enabling patients to make informed decisions when selecting their healthcare professionals.

Glorium mHealth app developers provide secure messaging within user profiles enhancing communication channels, enabling patients to easily connect with their healthcare providers, ask questions, and receive timely feedback.

Booking appointments

By incorporating comprehensive appointment booking functionality into our mHealth app development, Glorium ensures a seamless and efficient process for patients to schedule and manage their healthcare appointments, improving access to care and enhancing the overall patient experience.

Our customization options enable patients to tailor their appointments based on their preferences and requirements. We provide automated reminders and notifications that reduce the risk of missed appointments, improving patient adherence.


Our mHealh app development enables seamless prescription management, allowing healthcare providers to generate electronic prescriptions efficiently. The app facilitates the electronic transmission of prescriptions to pharmacies, ensuring fast and accurate medication fulfillment.

E-prescription functionality supports medication adherence with automated reminders, enhancing treatment outcomes. Integration with pharmacy systems streamlines the prescription process from generation to pickup, ensuring a smooth patient experience.


We offer convenient monitoring of patients’ health conditions, log symptoms, and record vital signs directly within the app. Our mHealth app development seamlessly integrates with wearable devices, allowing real-time data syncing for comprehensive health tracking.

With the ability to track progress, Glorium’s mHealth app empowers patients to actively engage in self-care actively, leading to better health management and overall well-being. Additionally, visual data representation provides users with valuable insights into their health trends and progress.


This feature enhances patients’ ability to conveniently connect with healthcare providers through secure video calls, enabling real-time communication and personalized medical advice from anywhere.

As a mHealth app development company, we offer video-conferencing sessions’ secure and confidential nature prioritizing patient privacy and building trust in the online healthcare experience. Seamless integration with other app functionalities allows for documentation, patient record updates, and streamlined administrative processes, optimizing the overall efficiency of virtual healthcare services.

Notifications and messaging

Glorium offers personalized notifications and messages informing patients about medication reminders, appointments, and health-related updates, promoting adherence and timely actions.

We provide real-time reports with valuable insights into a patient’s health trends, progress, and vital signs, empowering healthcare providers to make informed decisions and offer personalized recommendations.

Custom dashboard

We offer a custom mHealth app development dashboard with a personalized health overview, displaying vital signs, medication reminders, upcoming appointments, and progress toward health goals. Visual data visualization tools allow users to track trends, monitor progress, and gain insights into their health.

Customizable widgets enable users to personalize their dashboard layout and prioritize the information that matters most to them. The dashboard also provides personalized insights and recommendations based on the user’s health data, empowering proactive health management.

EHR integrations


Our mHealth app seamlessly integrates with EHR systems, providing healthcare providers immediate access to patient’s medical records for informed decision-making.

Real-time data synchronization ensures that healthcare providers have up-to-date information during consultations. Glorium mHealth app developers prioritize data privacy and security, adhering to industry standards and regulations to protect patient information in all data integrations.

Payment system integrations

By incorporating payment system integrations into our custom mHealth app development, Glorium ensures a seamless and efficient patient financial experience, enhancing user satisfaction and facilitating healthcare services. Our app facilitates secure online payments, offering multiple payment options for user convenience.

We provide automated billing and invoicing that streamline administrative tasks, while integration with insurance systems simplifies claims and reimbursement processes. Glorium offers custom mHealth app development with transaction security and compliance ensuring the protection of sensitive financial information.

Hospital staff management

Our mHealth app developers offer shift scheduling and management tools, ensuring proper staffing coverage and minimizing scheduling conflicts. Attendance and time tracking functionalities accurately record staff members’ working hours, facilitating efficient payroll processing and compliance with labor regulations.

Glorium provides secure messaging and chat capabilities enabling real-time communication, promoting effective collaboration and information exchange among staff members. Task assignment and tracking features improve workflow management and accountability within the hospital.

Real-time reporting

We provide real-time reports with valuable insights into a patient’s health trends, progress, and vital signs, empowering healthcare providers to make informed decisions and offer personalized recommendations.

The feature facilitates proactive monitoring, early detection of potential health issues, and prompt response to changing patient conditions. Real-time reporting within Glorium’s mHealth app provides healthcare providers with immediate access to critical patient data, enabling them to make timely interventions.

Our mHealth Application Development Expertise


Having accumulated over twelve years of experience in mHealth app development, our paramount priority lies in delivering custom solutions that ensure safety and compliance. We ensure that these bespoke solutions align with industry regulations for clients worldwide.

  • Industry-wide standards including HIPAA, HL7&FHIR, and GDPR must be followed.
  • ISO 9001 certification for Quality Management
  • ISO 13485 certification for Quality Management for Medical Devices
  • ISO 27001 certification for Information Security Management System.

Why Delegate Your mHealth Application Development to Glorium?


Our developers possess extensive expertise in healthcare software development services, allowing us to create customized solutions.

Perfectly compliant
100% Compliant

Our solution adheres to privacy rules, and we conduct annual compliance standard verifications to mitigate any potential liabilities that may arise.

Choose From 80+ tech Stacks

Our scalable technological stack for mHealth app development provides the flexibility to meet the unique needs of any business.

Full ecosystem
Full Ecosystem

Obtain a comprehensive package that includes all types of applications, customized to meet your specific workflow requirements.

End-to-end mHealth Application Development Process

Recent healthcare clients

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Clients Say about Us

Frame 80
They’re truly exceptional.
Turtle Health
Joshua Haselkorn,
Co-Founder, Turtle Health
Frame 80
Excellent experience from both professional expertise and customer experience perspectives.
Ingrid Vasiliu Feltes
Ingrid Vasiliu Feltes,
CEO at Softhread
Frame 80
Their punctuality and delivery capabilities were exactly as advertised.
Yayoi Sakaki
Yayoi Sakaki,
CEO, Project Ipsilon B.V.
Frame 80
Glorium Technologies sticks to the end goal and is willing to jump on an initiative and not give up on it.
test ico
Project Manager,
Healthcare Education Organization
Frame 80
We’ve established a rhythm and cadence that have been effective.
test ico
Healthcare IT Company
Frame 80
The team is really open and flexible when there is an issue.
test ico
Regional General Manager,
Healthcare Product Company

Some Clients' Journeys

Who we are

Read more

Glorium Technologies is a full-cycle app & software development company which covers specific client business needs and manage them with the help of the best possible technology solutions.

Since 2010, we have been inventing digital breakthroughs, helping startups and businesses come out on top in their markets.


Why choose us

Products delivered:
Years on the market:
Client satisfaction rate:
Awards & certifications:

Awards & recognitions

More achievements
real leaders
behemot 2023
excellence award

Inc. 5000


Named among the Inc.5000 (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) & Regionals (2021, 2022, 2024) fastest-growing private companies in America


ISO 9001
ISO 13485
ISO 27001

    Let's connect!

    Send us a message, and we'll promptly discuss your project with you.

    What’s next?

    We start by signing an NDA to ensure your ideas are protected.

    Then, our team will analyze your requirements.

    You get a detailed project outline.

    We bring your project to life, so you can focus on growing your business.

    Questions You May Have

    What is mHealth app development?

    mHealth app development refers to the process of creating mobile applications specifically designed for healthcare purposes, providing functionalities such as health tracking, appointment scheduling, telehealth consultations, and more.

    Why should I choose Glorium for mHealth app development?

    Glorium stands out in mHealth app development due to our extensive expertise in the healthcare industry, adherence to industry standards and regulations, commitment to data privacy and security, and a track record of delivering high-quality, user-centric healthcare solutions.

    Can you provide examples of mHealth apps you have developed?

    Yes, we have developed various mHealth apps, including telemedicine platforms, fitness tracking apps, medication management systems, remote patient monitoring solutions, and more. We can share relevant case studies during our initial сonsultations.

    How long does it take to develop an mHealth app?

    The development timeline varies depending on the complexity and scope of the app. We work closely with clients to define clear project timelines and milestones during the initial planning phase.

    Will my mHealth app be compliant with privacy regulations?

    Absolutely, we prioritize compliance with privacy regulations, such as HIPAA and GDPR. We implement robust security measures and follow industry best practices to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of patient data.

    Can you integrate third-party APIs or systems into the mHealth app?

    Yes, we have experience integrating third-party APIs, such as wearable device data, healthcare systems, EHRs, and payment gateways, to enhance the functionality and interoperability of the mHealth app.

    Do you provide ongoing support and maintenance for the developed app?

    Yes, we offer comprehensive support and maintenance services to provide the smooth functioning of your mHealth app, address any issues that may arise, and provide updates and enhancements as needed.

    Can you help with app deployment and app store submissions?

    Absolutely, we assist with the entire app deployment process, including app store submissions to platforms Apple App Store or Google Play Store, ensuring a seamless launch of your mHealth app.

    Will I have ownership of the source code and intellectual property of the app?

    Yes, upon project completion, you will have complete ownership of the source code and intellectual property rights of the developed app.

    Can you provide post-launch marketing and user acquisition strategies for my mHealth app?

    Yes, we offer post-launch marketing and user acquisition strategies to help you promote your mHealth app and reach your target audience. Our team can provide guidance on digital marketing, app store optimization, and user engagement tactics to maximize the app’s visibility and user adoption.