The Startup Growth Playbook: From Zero to IPO

The evolution of a tech startup from idea to full-scale product is a continuous process. In most cases, it’s difficult to identify what path to take and how much time you need to get from point A to point B. In 2021, startup funding hit an all-time high.
$311 billion was raised by U.S. startups in 2021, more than doubling the 2020 figure of $150 billion. But getting funded is only the first step in a startup’s journey. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 80% of startups survive after the first year. There is a variety of reasons why startups fail, including a lack of financing, the wrong market, and a lack of research and expertise.
But 20% of startups survive, and some go on to become something truly great, like ByteDance from Chine, the highest-valued private startup ($140 billion).
Creating and building a tech startup is no easy task. The reality of doing so often ends up being the opposite of the founder’s expectation. Nurturing a startup from birth to growth and on to successful scaling not only requires an inner passion but also the right expertise and the right people by your side.
When your startup has a proof of concept, lots of early adopters, and you have won the interest of investors, it’s time to make your company more effective by facilitating the growth of your
product. Here’s what you need to pay attention to when growing your business.